About six months ago, on November 25, 2009, the CCG and the NZ Climate Science Coalition (CSC) published a brief study entitled Are we feeling warmer yet? that proved to be fairly controversial.
Since then the ACT Party, through John Boscawen and Rodney Hide, have applied considerable pressure in the Parliament to NIWA and its minister, Wayne Mapp. The questions they have asked have delivered copious information about the official New Zealand temperature record produced by NIWA.
The Climate Conversation blog has teased out the detail of most of the relevant issues over the six months since we first revealed the existence of these problems. However, locating all the relevant threads is far too difficult. This summary article will sketch out what has happened, from publication of our paper to now, loosely chronological but also bunching some related issues together. Its purpose is to provide a series of links to all the articles, in an easy-to-follow form.
It will include links to evidentiary material like the correspondence with Mace and historical records such as the Hessell 1980 paper, etc.
For now, it must be a work in progress, since it’s time-consuming to locate all the material. But this is a start.
I’ve decided to add a tag or two to the relevant posts, which will make it easy to find them. That will take some time. You can search our site for specific topics marked with tags. Scroll down until you find the heading Tags in the right-hand panel. Click a tag to list all the articles relevant to that topic.
Topics containing most of the stories of our fight with NIWA over the official national temperature record include:
Climate research
Climate science
Some stories are filed under:
Climate Conversation Group
Global warming (though almost everything is filed there!)
You’ll find some posts dealing with the parliamentary questions filed under:
Over the next few days I’ll add the magic tags “NZ temperature records” and “NIWAgate” to relevant stories so they will be truly easy to find. I’ll update this post as I make substantial changes.
Please accept my apologies for not making it easier for you to find the relevant stories. I’ll fix it as soon as I can.
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This sounds very promising. I’d be very interested in looking at what you come up with and helping to spread the word on any revelations that may be forthcoming.
Keep up your good work,