Wellington protest against the ETS

heading dog

Esther and Neil Henderson, the hard-working people behind Climate Realists NZ, want you to know about a major protest march at the Parliament aimed at ending the stupid Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Tues 22nd June, Civic Centre, Wellington, noon — be early

Parliament Buildings

If you can be in Wellington to support the anti-ETS march on 22 June, please give this notice some prominence on your website and spread it around by email.

Please note some of the details have changed slightly from earlier notices — you should use the details given here.

Esther reports that so far they have had an excellent response from lots of people and they are hopeful of a good turnout on the day, with trucks and tractors from the farmers to add colour and noise.

Come along and help make it a “cannot-ignore” event for the politicians!

Below this point is a rough interpretation of Esther’s latest announcement. It’s rough because it didn’t take too kindly to the transition from Word to html. I should spend some time tidying up the html, but it looks quite funky and it does tell you everything you need to know, so I’m not touching it. Contact details are at the bottom.

PS: I did make one change to Esther’s notice. Since there is, strictly speaking, no such time as “12 pm”, I changed it to “12 noon”. I hope Esther forgives my impertinence and I hope they’re not intending to meet at midnight.


we need

YOU to come and join the PROTEST MARCH- 22 June

Gather at the Civic Centre by the Michael Fowler Hall, Wellington at

12 noon

To march to Parliament, 12.30-1pm

The Emissions Trading Scheme is due to come into effect on 1st July 2010.


—–arrive early—bring your friends—bring a protest banner—–

"There is no scientific answer to this question of what our target should be. For New Zealand is a small emitter by world standards – only emitting some 0.2% of global greenhouse gases. So anything we do as a nation will in itself have little impact on the climate – our impact will be symbolic, moral and political."

The Prime Minister’s own Chief Science Advisor, Sir Peter Gluckman




The Government says it will COST:

5% increase in electricity

and 3-4c/l increase in fuel.

This amounts to $527,600,000-

considerably more than the government leads us to believe.


and will continue to rise if the price of carbon rises.

-to the detriment of New Zealand’s living standard.


It will take the profit of 7 dairy cows per farm or 163 lambs per farm just to offset the ETS costs.

Our three major trading partners, Australia, America and China have no immediate prospect of an ETS.

For further details contact Brian Anselmi 07 877 8358

or email


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11 Thoughts on “Wellington protest against the ETS

  1. Good luck on 22-Jun. I can’t make it to Wellington for that.

    Seems those of us who are anti-ETS and ‘realists’ instead of ‘warmists’ need to get more NZ media involved. Is that even possible or are they all die hard lefty-progressives hell bent on everything green to the detriment of all NZ? … I wonder

  2. Thanks Lisa (I’m not sure I will get there, either).

    LOL, that’s a good question. Hard to know, isn’t it? There are some conservatives, for want of a better word, and I don’t think the hope I cling to, that change is possible, is entirely blind.

    I don’t write enough letters to editors, perhaps we could all do more of that?

  3. Andy on 16/06/2010 at 2:20 pm said:

    One of the factors that we are not being told is that the ETS is exposed to the international carbon market after the transition phase :

    Q: Won’t the transition phase just lead to a sharp increase in carbon prices for firms at the end of the phase?

    A: At the end of the transition phase firms will face the international carbon price. This could be higher than the $12.50 that firms will effectively face through the fixed price option and the 2:1 progressive obligation. However, firms will be able to monitor carbon markets during this period and plan for any cost increase that might occur at the end of the transition phase.


    What MFE is saying is that all industry and farming sectors need to monitor the carbon market and make price adjustments in reaction to this.

    This could have an adverse effect on polluters if the price suddenly shot up. Also, it could make a carbon farming concept a very risky concept if it is so exposed to a potentially very volatile market where there is no real product that is in demand.

    Of course, the consumer would be affected by this in prices across all sectors.

    In effect, we are being coerced into “investing” in a potentially volatile and risky market, and we don’t have any choice.

    This is the untold story of the ETS.

    • Andy on 16/06/2010 at 2:53 pm said:

      I should also point out that all the government projections of emissions through to 2020 assume a carbon price of $50/tonne

    • ** sigh ***
      what’s next… taxed for how much Oxygen we consume as humans on the planet?

      crikey… what stupidity for NZ to follow all the moroons at the UN…. sorry Helen, your new employer stinks

  4. Andy on 18/06/2010 at 2:14 pm said:

    I posted up some correspondence I have had from Nick Smith and others here


    The “significant loss” that the government says it is making on the ETS is a bit of a worry. Who exactly will pay for this, and how?

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