Keith Hunter becomes deeply afraid for the future as we announce our review of NIWA’s behaviour. Why?
He says this, all timorous, intimidated and grateful for the gentle haven that is Hot Topic (as long as you agree with them):
I want to say how gratified I am that on this day of reckoning, the scientific community and the blogosphere have got behind our friends at NIWA and come out with so many statements of support. Make no mistake, this effort by the NZ*C*S*C is an attack on science and and [sic] attack on integrity. I, for one, will not put up with it! I am hugely comforted by the letters and phone calls of support I have received today. Maybe finally the mainstream scientists of this country are waking up to what the NZ*C*S*C is trying to do. Let there be no doubt – this is another attack on integrity [sic] of the science system. We defeated this when the Nazis did it, we defeated it when the Soviets did it, and we will continue to defeat it! And in case you think it [sic], let me remind you – all it takes for scientific untruths to survive is for honest men and women to ignore them.
So it’s a day of reckoning. The Coalition mounts an attack on science and on integrity. He is not putting up, is hugely comforted and confident we will defeat it. As we did with the Nazis and the Soviets and shall continue.
One question: let you remind us in case we think what?
I fail to see how the question “what adjustments did you make and why” can be interpreted to mean all this.
I fail to see how this expostulating answers the assertion that ethical standards were not observed.
I cannot fail to observe how the scientist loses his grip on reality. A day of reckoning? An attack on science?!
Views: 443