UPDATED 30 Sep 2010, 16:00
New graph comparing predictions from RSNZ and IPCC. Eye-opening!
The Royal Society of New Zealand just published a paper, Sea Level Rise – Emerging Issues. It reports new, more alarming predictions of sea level rise around New Zealand during the rest of the century. Or does it?
The paper warns us to expect the sea to rise several metres by 2100. Or does it?
Actually, it doesn’t and it doesn’t. We can all go home.
On a careful, sensible reading, the paper says very little but, by employing phrases such as “increasingly rapid melting”, “recent estimates of future rise are greater” and “global sea levels rose by around 120 metres”, among others, the casual reader gains the impression of dangerous rises to come. The story imparts grave concern.
But it’s all air kissing, candy floss and nonsense. They say nothing that would scare a butterfly. Continue Reading →
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