Bolivia needs a strong dose of reality juice
Their new president is foisting a native religion on the rest of the world and the UN is supporting him, no doubt because of the leverage it offers in the global warming scam. But he would be well advised to sort out his own country’s growth towards maturity and balance before hastening to educate the rest of us.
Reported by Canada.com yesterday (h/t Marc Morano):
UN document would give ‘Mother Earth’ same rights as humans
Bolivia will this month table a draft United Nations treaty giving “Mother Earth” the same rights as humans — having just passed a domestic law that does the same for bugs, trees and all other natural things in the South American country.
The bid aims to have the UN recognize the Earth as a living entity that humans have sought to “dominate and exploit” — to the point that the “well-being and existence of many beings” is now threatened.
Just imagine the strength such a “treaty” would give to the global warming alarmists and their intention to tax modern industry out of existence. The story continues:
It also establishes a Ministry of Mother Earth, and provides the planet with an ombudsman whose job is to hear nature’s complaints as voiced by activist and other groups, including the state.
The application of the law appears destined to pose new challenges for companies operating in the country, which is rich in natural resources, including natural gas and lithium, but remains one of the poorest in Latin America.
Bolivia is a country with a large indigenous population, whose traditional belief systems took on greater resonance following the election of President Evo Morales, Latin America’s first indigenous president.
Reflecting indigenous traditional beliefs, the proposed global treaty says humans have caused “severe destruction . . . that is offensive to the many faiths, wisdom traditions and indigenous cultures for whom Mother Earth is sacred.”
Expect the UN to support the Mother Earth treaty, as it dovetails nicely with its over-arching ambition to rule the world.

Of course, there is a disjunction in the treaty proposal, in that human rights would be deliberately lowered to that of mere insects and even plants. But in Bolivia, too, we find a disconnect.
Bolivia is one of the world’s leading producers of cocaine. Though the indigenous use of the coca leaf has its roots in antiquity, the modern abuse of cocaine allows no excuse for the government to permit “excess” production of about 45 tonnes of cocaine per year. It gets sold, of course, to feed the West’s obsession with it.
A story from 4 February this year reveals some interesting facts about Bolivia’s drug problem:
Bolivia is currently the world’s third-largest producer of cocaine after Colombia and Peru. According to the UNODC [United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime] data, cultivation of coca represented 30,900 hectares in 2009, of which up to 20,000 hectares is legal and designed to feed the domestic market for the leaves, often chewed by the indigenous people to aid working at high altitudes. U.S. officials talk about 15,000 hectares of excess coca, capable of producing 45 metric tons of cocaine.
Bolivia has also become a transit nation for Peruvian cocaine as reports of seizures show. The processing of coca into cocaine, once done in primitive maceration pits, is becoming increasingly sophisticated, thanks to techniques imported from Colombia, which increase the yield of cocaine from the coca. Recent raids on laboratories in Bolivia show these technological improvements.
Bolivian has lost much of its drug fighting capability after the breakdown in relations with Washington and the expulsion, in 2008, of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Historically Bolivian anti-narcotics efforts received heavy funding and training from the U.S. and while there is still American aid, it is much reduced along with levels of co-operation.
All right, the country’s making efforts (one hopes sincere) against the drug scourge, but Bolivia ought to concern itself with becoming properly civilised before trying to recruit the rest of the world into their native philosophies.

To be civilised would require, as a minimum, to refrain from exporting at immense profit tonnes of an illicit drug which destroys addicts’ lives.
Yes, that would be a minimum.
You’re welcome to join the civilised countries, Senor Morales, and it’s good to make your acquaintance. But the days when people forced their religion on other people are definitely over.
Is this an ignorant view of the “traditional” use of coca leaf? Is it actually unrelated to the cocaine scourge? Can we put the use of coca in the same category as alcohol, which is “traditional” in other societies? Should we tolerate Bolivia’s commercial production of cocaine?
And whether we can or whether we can’t, what does all that have to do with forcing on every country of the world a treaty soaked in some stone-age religious beliefs?
Views: 26
If anyone doubted that large sections of the UN is barking mad, this should settle it.
It might seem a little OT and mean spirited, but we New Zealanders are very fortunate that the Maori are of more practical stock than the idigenous Bolivians. While the Maori had their set of religious beliefs to sustain them and explain the unexplainable, their veiw of the natural world was largely pragmatic and sensible; as an example, they only had specific names for the three native ferns they found useful in one way or another – the balance of the 300 or so native ferns were ‘just ferns’, not items to be loved for silly reasons.
I suspect the current Bolivian effort has been influenced more than a little by the personal use of Coca in one of it’s more refined forms.