Briefly in hospital

I’m having tests for the good of my health and regrettably cannot contribute as usual. North Shore Hospital doesn’t provide public Internet access and I don’t have the right gear to connect the laptop to the phone.

I’m obliged to type this on a teensy keyboard little larger than a postage stamp, which makes contributing wearisome.

My apologies, therefore, for a seeming absence. Be assured I am here in both body and spirit, carrying a watching brief with the doctors briefly watching.

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12 Thoughts on “Briefly in hospital

  1. Andy on 24/05/2011 at 10:21 am said:

    Hi Richard,
    I hope it’s nothing too serious. Take care of yourself and we’ll try to be good while you are away 🙂

  2. Just get yourself well please Richard – no worries about the blog.

  3. Robin on 24/05/2011 at 12:38 pm said:

    Hope all goes well. Take care. Robin.

  4. Peter Fraser on 24/05/2011 at 5:02 pm said:

    Wishing you a short and uneventful stay. We miss you!

  5. Mike Jowsey on 24/05/2011 at 6:34 pm said:

    Hope you are managing to stay out of the interested gaze of student doctors! (i.e. nothing too unusual, rare or complex).

    Meanwhile, the ETS shenanigans in the political arena are certainly something over which a watching brief should be kept. The backlash for Labour should be resounding. Is any MSM journalist asking “Um, …. why do we need an ETS at all? Remind me please.”

    I find it amazing that no-one is asking this question: “How is it that a tax being collected to save the climate can be diverted to general industrial and commercial research and development (tax credits)? What exactly is the purpose of the ETS and where should the money be spent once the tax is gathered?”

    The fact is, this is just another tax grab. Nothing more, nothing less. And it is being shown for what it is by politicians squabbling over how this new tax revenue can be spent on election promises.

    Get well, RT. We need you man!

  6. Mike Jowsey on 24/05/2011 at 6:51 pm said:

    By the way, NSH should get with the times – internet access is a fundamental health requirement. And it is not hard to provide. I’m sure they could even get local ISP sponsorship if they put their thinking caps on. Hell, I would even supply an industrial-strength wireless access point which would flood the whole building with a hotspot, passwords changed weekly. Where is that suggestion box?

  7. Alexander K on 24/05/2011 at 10:10 pm said:

    Hi Richard. Best wishes for a swift and happy diagnosis. I will be thinking of you while I watch the scene from Londonistan, UK, otherwise known afectionately as Outer Pongolia.

  8. val majkus on 25/05/2011 at 9:23 am said:

    All the best Richard; we’ll look forward to your return

  9. Richard C (NZ) on 25/05/2011 at 10:07 pm said:

    Time out Richard T – good for body mind and soul or whatever your particular composition is. See:-


  10. Andy on 27/05/2011 at 10:32 am said:

    Pick up a copy of the Listener if you get a chance. There’s a couple of letters in response to last week’s alarmist piece on climate change. One is all bluster about “facts” and oil industry funded misinformation; the other is a short and factual letter about the actual data around sea level rise.

    it’s almost a microcosm of the climate blogosphere, really.

  11. get well … the world needs truth warriors like yourself… take care and come back soon as you can!

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