The Czech Republic, led by courageous President Vaclav Klaus, resists the latest European efforts to deepen the climate crisis. For the crisis is man-made, just as it is in New Zealand, consisting entirely of increasing the financial pressure on families and depriving them of modern conveniences in order to “save” the world’s climate, using expensive mechanisms that can’t affect the climate. Even though the climate continues to regulate itself within ancient, well-known thresholds entirely suitable for life.
The BBC reports on a country standing alone in Europe against the carbon madness that threatens to destroy western industrial supremacy. Everyone else (including the BBC) hastens insanely to intensify their own suffering.
The UK government has sharply criticised Poland for blocking an EU effort to set a higher target for cuts in CO2 emissions.
“I’m deeply disappointed that the only country in the EU that could not accept a good compromise on how we can move Europe to a low carbon economy was Poland,” said UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne.
The Polish response demonstrates an awareness of their country’s economic reality.
Polish Environment Minister Andrzej Kraszewski urged his EU colleagues to show understanding of the different economic conditions across Europe.
Polish industry and power stations still rely heavily on coal, so switching to renewables and cleaner technologies is more of a challenge than for some of its EU neighbours.
With the British disconnect from their own people’s situation, is it terribly surprising they’re attempting the impossible with all of Europe too? For consider this in Scotland’s Evening Times just yesterday:
ScottishPower put up gas prices by almost 20% and electricity by 10% yesterday, adding hundreds of pounds to the average annual household energy bill from August this year, with other firms expected to follow suit.
John Robertson, Glasgow North West Labour MP, has called on Chancellor George Osborne to take action and to rethink his cut in the winter fuel allowance this year…
He said “People in Glasgow and the rest of Scotland are struggling to keep warm at winter, and the big energy companies are mugging the poorest people in our country.
“The big six energy companies are acting like a cartel and instead of price rises being the last alternative it seems to be the first. They seem to view consumers as cash cows and the Chancellor seems to view the poorest consumers with contempt.
“These companies are pinching money out of the pockets of the poorest people in this country at a time when ordinary household budgets are threadbare.”
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Does this trouble seem all too far away? Do you feel safe in distant Kiwiland?
Don’t take too long to wake up. All this global warming hoo-hah and extra-expensive energy is coming soon to a cheque account near you (actually, because you lead the world, it’s already here, but it will bite deeper).
Views: 64
Just before Scottish Power put up its prices by 20%, the CEO doubled his annual salary to 10.5 million pounds a year.
That’s 20 million real Kiwi dollars!
You’d only have to work for a single year to retire wealthy!
Paid for by families and pensioners!
Sorry for shouting!
Seem to recall that (this week) generation costs (but stand to be corrected): In US $ terms cuyrrent KW/hr costs are:
Solar/Wind $0.22 per Kw/hr
GAS $0.08
Coal $0.04
Hydro uncertain (but long term much, much less).
Apart from 0.22 have lost my notes, therefore above from memory.