They want to rule us not love us
On the United Nations’ web site a brief description of the General Assembly includes the statement:
The General Assembly is not a world government — its resolutions are not legally binding upon Member States.
That’s reassuring, because everyone appreciates their own country’s ability to make decisions about matters that affect them. Nobody likes strangers telling them what to do, what to have, what to avoid or what to endure.
But there’s next a “but” which bears the thin end of a very important wedge.
However, through its recommendations it can focus world attention on important issues, generate international cooperation and, in some cases, its decisions can lead to legally binding treaties and conventions.
So the General Assembly is not a world government, but the UN bureaucrats, by pulling the right international levers, can cause countries to apply legally binding restrictions on their citizens. Yes, always and only for the most excellent reasons, naturally.
That introduces the principle. The UN bureaucrats want you to attach the idea of “law” to the “suggestions” they make. Later, watch how they segue seamlessly into the concept of “legally binding” and “compliance” when they discuss policy.
Their insidious march towards world governance (for our own good) has been helplessly exposed during the mad dance around the “biggest challenge of our time” that is climate change. The bureaucrats quickly raise the issue of “enforcement” when it comes to implementing their policy “proposals.” Not that they’re a world government.
For example, in April 2008, Reuters reported that, because Greece and Canada had violated some of the bureaucratic requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, punishments were handed out to them by the “Compliance Committee.”
By the way, the Climate Change (biggest challenge of our time) bureaucrats of the United Nations (not a world government) decided that the Compliance Committee (we can make you do stuff) can sit in secret any time they want to. An entire nation’s financial welfare could be at stake, but so what? The Compliance Committee doesn’t have to deliberate in public. See the Rules of Procedure (pdf, 189kB), Rule 9, page 4.
Here’s the news item about compliance. Emphasis is mine.
Greece has been suspended from U.N. carbon trading in an unprecedented punishment for violating greenhouse gas reporting rules that underpin a fight against global warming, officials said on Tuesday.
A group of legal experts enforcing compliance with the U.N.’s Kyoto Protocol also said it was opening proceedings against Canada for alleged violations of rules on accounting for heat-trapping gases.
“Greece is declared to be in non-compliance,” the enforcement branch said in a statement distributed by the Bonn-based U.N. Climate Change Secretariat, the first such ruling since Kyoto entered into force in 2005.
Athens had failed to maintain a proper national system for recording greenhouse gas emissions, key to ensuring compliance with the Protocol seeking to slow temperature rises that could bring more floods, droughts, heatwaves and rising seas.
“Greece is not eligible to participate in the (trading) mechanisms… of the protocol pending the resolution of the question of implementation,” the enforcement branch said of a finding, formally confirmed last week.
Submission of new data by Greece had not entirely convinced the compliance experts, who were seeking extra opinions, said a U.N. official who declined to be named.
“This case shows that the compliance committee of the Kyoto Protocol is up and running properly,” said John Hay, spokesman of the Climate Change Secretariat, of the Greek ruling.
The enforcement branch also said that Canada had failed to provide a proper registry for greenhouse gases and had missed a January 1, 2007 reporting deadline by more than two months.
Both the Canadian and Greek cases were referred to the enforcement branch by international teams of experts organized by the Climate Change Secretariat.
So, these unelected officials get to impose “punishments” on whole nations without being held to account, even without fearing for their position, and the people they punish don’t get the opportunity to face their accusers. This is not a reasonable situation.
A few activities of the UN are useful and admirable, but this recurrent aspiration for global authority has the capacity to destroy the UN (even without mentioning the corruption). Unless the attitudes that support such egotistical posturing are quickly replaced with something like humility, the destruction would be best soonest.
We live in strange times. Not a hundred years ago, armies would be raised to prevent a man trying to rule the world. Instead, now we appoint him to a body specially created to let him.

Views: 34
This is the same organisation that allowed a massacre to occur in Rwanda, & Bosnia.
A totally inept,corrupt , unethical organisation.
Yes, all of that., But perhaps now the cavalry is cresting the hill to take on the UN and Euro indians.
The demise of the PIGS will, I predict, result in the eventual break-up of the Euro and the demise of the Eurtocracy. ( Read Johns in the Australian on saturday.) There is no way UK, Germany and France will let Brussels have the final say on key financial issues – each would prefer to hhat right or, At worst, the power of veto. Once that occurs the UN will loose all credibility and with it any World Government ambitions. And all of that ignores the veto (s) which will inevitably be invoked by China, India and the US. As for Greece (and the PIGS) ……. clearly the UN’crats dont understand the Greek economy.
Italy is on the ropes too.
The paper at the weekend glibly talked of the US economy defaulting, and a new “Great Depression” looming
The media talk about this like it is story about a cat stuck up a tree. Unbelievable.