Now it’s official.
There is no truth in the rumour that humanity is influencing the climate in any measurable way. The proof of that is that our world-leading climatologists don’t believe it.
They only say so in public, the dirty deceivers. Filthy liars, from Britain to America to New Zealand and even our own NIWA.
This deception has been exposed once already, yet they have persisted and built it up all over again. Calling them imbeciles gives honest morons a bad name. Will they never learn that misleading their electorate is not the way to prosper?
Gratifying that the MSM are responding right away. Richard Black, at the BBC, takes a laid-back view, opting to invent exculpatory explanations for some of the incriminating-sounding statements.
Still, he essays some concern, too, suggesting: “UEA’s Prof Phil Jones may find some more phrases he wishes he hadn’t written.”
A Google search for “Climategate II” (with quote marks) already returns over 97,000 hits.
Yes, it’s going to be entertaining.
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