It was Ava’s birthday yesterday (she’s one year old). There is a party tonight at Diana’s place. Afterwards some of us – probably not including Ava – will watch the Super Rugby 14 final.
Go the Chiefs!
I’ll see you tomorrow some time.
UPDATE: Some time tomorrow today
How were you to know that Ava is alleged to be my grand-daughter, one of an alleged six such lucky children. It was great to be hosted so well at our daughter Diana’s place in Pakuranga, with her fiance Carl, and staying overnight let me imbibe an extra glass of wine and tankard of ale while watching the climax of the Super Rugby competition.
And it was of course terrific to celebrate Ava’s birthday – go the Chiefs!
To prove beyond doubt Ava’s extremely high cuteness factor, here’s one of the pics I clicked yesterday.

Views: 83
Happy Birthday Ava. Your father is a good man.
That’s a really nice thing to say, Mike, thanks. Though I’m one step removed from the fatherhood of this one, generation-wise.
Well, her grandfather can’t be all that bad either! Something about that gene pool….
Heh, heh!
Amy’s birth was a “terminating event” in terms of positive feedback from the hormone oxytocin,.
I strongly urge everyone to read the following paper because Carl Brehmer explains in exceptional clarity, positive and negative feedback including in-phase and out-of-phase negative feedback and some non-climate cases to relate to the climate issues:-
The Greenhouse Effect . . . Explored Is “Water Vapor Feedback” Positive or Negative?
Carl Brehmer, © February 21, 2012
Re the positive feedback of Amy’s birth, Carl says:-
The scientific definition of “feedback”:
In-phase and out-of-phase negative feedback:
Carl carries out an experiment that discovers that:
I emphasize “against” for reasons below.
In respect to two generic graphs [page 5 pdf] of positive and negative feedbacks, one ascending and one descending, Carl says:
That last sentence is the point of my taking the opportunity to present this topic on RT’s post on Amy’s birthday and to emphasize the word “against” above.
Andrew Dessler has published another paper that I’m sure will carry on the ructions documented in ‘IPCC Science’ starting about here:
Dessler’s paper is paywalled but The Hockeyschick carries it thus:-
Carl Brehmer’s paper is hotlinked to ‘runaway greenhouse effect’ and I think the Supplementary paper to D12 is here:-
Curiously, the time frame of the study is 2000 – 2010 but on page 7 (pdf) of the Supplementary paper we see:-
Odd, as the GAT has not increased over 2000 – 2010.
D12 Abstract
I’m struggling to relate Desslers feedback system to Brehmers explanations and definitions, for example: Dessler states “a strongly negative temperature feedback” – feedback against what?
Maybe it’s against some very vague and undefined “climate variations” because the abstract goes on: “climate variations were also amplified by a strong positive water vapor feedback … and smaller positive albedo and cloud feedbacks”.
This implies that the positive water vapour, albedo and cloud feedbacks are against “climate variations” (whatever they are) as is the negative temperature feedback. I find this implication rather bizarre.
I’m sure anyone reading this will appreciate Carl Brehmer’s feedback primer in view of D12 and will probably agree with me that there will be a continuation of previous hostilities and possibly more learned questioning of Desslers feedback system.
This is interesting, RC, and thanks for the links, but at 1400 words it’s too long. Worse, it’s mostly copied from other sources (although I love the imaginative link to Ava’s birthday). We all have busy lives. We look for a conclusion and are strongly disinclined to wade through screeds of quoted text or listen to a lecture in the hope we’ll find a nugget of information, unless of course we visit the links. What you have to say about the topic is far more interesting than what anyone else might say. But bullet points or short extracts from your sources is informative and exactly what we’re looking for. You might shorten the extracts in future? Thanks. If you want to write 1400 words on a topic, you know I’ll be only too happy to publish it – but comments shouldn’t normally be this long. You provide so much here that informs and challenges us, that I don’t want to discourage you, just make your contribution more useful. Cheers.
“If you want to write 1400 words on a topic, you know I’ll be only too happy to publish it”
That possibility has been broached at JoNova where I started a thread where people are now addressing the issue:-
I did think that the comment would be better as a post when it got long but I though it would be useful to lay out the issue in a comment under a post that is unlikely to see a lot of traffic and besides, what is the difference between a 1400 ward comment and a 1400 word post?. That and the fact that people are unclear of climate feedback systems, in fact Mike Jowsey was asking about it here:-
That probably generated more than 1400 words by the time I’d worked it out.and Mike responded with:-
Problem is, I’m not a systems expert which was why I asked in the first instance at JoNova “Is there a feedback expert here?”, partly hoping that it would catch the attention of Jo and thence David Evens who is by far the more qualified to analyze Dessler’s feedback system (and climate feedbacks generally). So no, I’m not the one to put it into a post because I’m struggling to get to grips with it as much as anyone.
I very much doubt that readers will gain any depth of understanding of systems feedbacks by way of “bullet points or short extracts” as I’ve done at JoNova because all that does is generate replies to which I’ve had to elaborate in response as much as my one comment here . Why not just lay it out clearly in the first place for others to address?
I note that no-one here has addressed the actual topic I raised, not even yourself, even with the detail supplied. This is a fundamental issue of the AGW debate and if the detail is too much to discuss in comments and people here are not even aware of it’s appearance except yourself then I don’t hold much hope for discussion of the same (slightly modified) comment in the form of a post but maybe I’m being presumptuous – why don’t you put a post together on the topic from what I’ve supplied above to find out?
Well, you’ve done it again: you challenge us here, RC, and I think Jo could well be receptive to the idea of a guest post. You make some good points in rebuttal of my suggestion to shorten things. I’ll have a closer look at what you’ve said above and consider a posting on it. Sorry I didn’t respond to Mike’s suggestion about your comments becoming a post, although I did see it. I meant to have a closer look first at what you said and try to understand it…
Cross-commented JoNova – CCG
Baa, I’ve emailed Jo, challenging David to define Dessler’s system as per what can be inferred from D12 Abstract and Intro, also asking if David finds that if Dessler departs from classical convention that a Nova/Evans post will eventuate.
I see a two part sequence:
1) derive Desslers system from D12 (not easy because you end up with two different configurations depending on Abstract or Intro).
2) having done 1) to then assemble the system as it SHOULD be by classical convention with correct initial process and appropriate feedback attribution parameters with correct signs and compare to 1). This is best shown in system diagram form I think.
Brehmers experiments show that water vapour is a negative feedback against temperature so that Dessler has a water vapour feedback sign opposite to classical convention. Brehmer explains this thus:-
It seems to me that Dessler’s branch of science has designed for themselves a hybrid and very flexible feedback system unconstrained by classical convention, examples from physiology, electronics, or other non-climate nature etc that bends and morphs depending on what the message or bias is to be conveyed and written into contemporary literature as some kind of authority that can be cited.
Until I’m proved wrong – I don’t buy it.
I’m going to badger David Evans via Jo for as long as it takes. David has not picked up on the transition of climate science from classical feedback system to “contemporary”.
In his Sydney Morning Herald and Stuff Opinion articles, there’s a system diagram absent that is shown in the same article reprinted at JoNova. The “contemporary” system diagram David presents (proven incorrect by Carl Brehmer) is here:-
The JoNova post source of the diagram is here:-
Of that diagram David says:-
Actually “serious skeptics” go a step further. What David has not picked up is that not only is there no water vapour amplification but “contemporary” climate science reverses the sign of the classical negative water vapour feedback to make water vapour a positive feedback.
Of the classical => contemporary feedback transition Carl Brehmer says:-
We (I at least) have much to thank Carl Brehmer for. Back story at Tallblokes Talkshop:-
Carl Brehmer: Fact trumps theory with the greenhouse effect: A case study
Patrick Moore “gets it”, Jo Nova’s latest post is on water vapour feedback
Perhaps the tide is turning.
In response to Ruchard C’s comment on Patrick Moore (not sure how this got on the Ava is cute thread, but hey, Ava is still cute ..)
Hilary Ostrov has a good post contrasting Patrick Moore with Richard Muller
Stoush in comments re D12 at JoNova ‘Patrick Moore’ post. My latest contribution:-
KR, if you had been paying attention you would have seen that the topic of Dessler 2012 had been broached at #30 but OK, let’s have a look at it here.
Your D12 quote:-
So in this first instance of the D12 system, the initial process is “climate” and one of the feedbacks is temperature. What exactly is “climate”? We can infer from D12
In this first instance, the initial process is “internal variability” and temperature is a feedback against internal variability.
Next from your quote:-
So now in this second instance of the D12 system, the initial process is “climate variations” and one of the feedbacks is water vapour. What exactly are “climate variations” in the D12 system?
In this second instance, the initial process is dominantly “ENSO” and water vapour is a feedback against ENSO (dominantly)
Those two quotes were from the D12 Abstract so now let’s move on to the Introduction:-
In this third instance of the D12 system, the initial process is “surface temperature” and the feedbacks are:-
Apparently, in this third instance of the D12 system, “temperature” is a feedback against the initial process “surface temperature”.
The necessity for climate science to accommodate a bogus positive feedback from water vapour in their “contemporary” feedback system (contrary to the classical negative feedback – see Brehmer paper #30) has resulted in poor Dessler tying himself (and the unwary) in knots.
Needless to say – in view of the three instances – Dessler does not define nor does he diagram his feedback system because it is internally inconsistent.
“….not sure how this got on the Ava is cute thread”
Thread header here Andy:-
“Amy’s birth was a “terminating event” in terms of positive feedback from the hormone oxytocin”
It’s all about feedbacks
Jo’s on a roll:-
Models get cloud feedback wrong, but *only* by 70W/m2 (that’s 19 times larger than the CO2 effect)
Yet another paper shows that the climate models have flaws, described as “gross” “severe” and “disturbing”. The direct effect of doubling CO2 is theoretically 3.7W per square meter. The feedbacks supposedly are 2 -3 times as strong (according to the IPCC). But some scientists are trying to figure out those feedbacks with models which have flaws in the order of 70W per square meter. (How do we find that signal in noise that’s up to 19 times larger?)
Remember climate science is settled: like gravity and a round earth. (Really?)
Miller et al 2012 [abstract] [PDF] find that some models predict clouds to have a net shortwave radiative effect near zero, but observations show it is 70W per square meter.
Miller, M., Ghate, V., Zahn, R., (2012)
The Radiation Budget of the West African Sahel and its Controls: A Perspective from Observations and Global Climate Models.
in press Journal of Climate [abstract] [PDF]
Putting this here in hope it will be read:
does anyone know if the parties received running transcripts during the hearing
if so could the transcript be posted?
My cat is cute too!
Hi Val, sorry for the delay. I’ve replied in the “Permission granted” thread, saying I hope transcripts will appear in the Court file. But I want to add here that the cuteness factor of your darling wee cat cannot compete with that of Ava, who surely carries additional world-beating scores worthy of Panda cub, week-old fluffy yellow chicken and baby Emperor penguin. It’s a clean sweep, I’m afraid, a complete triumph! There’s nothing you can do and no appeal is possible.
As soon as my computer stops battling my camera and agrees to accept the several hundred pics, I’ll post one of Ava that will render the claim to your cat’s cuteness forever null and void.
Richard, can’t possibly compete with that… and who better than I to understand those words ‘null and void’; have I heard them at all since I did contracts at UTS in 1982 (or thereabouts) … not that I recall
but from your superlatives, you left out puppies, polar bear cubs, kittens, foals, lambs, small gold fish – there’s still space for my darling wee cat who on her day can outplay roger federer, outrun bolt, out research hansen, outspend our current treasurer … there’s room for buzz
Buzz? That’s an outstanding name for a cat.
Richard gotta agree …. very cute ….