Greens say vote against dolphin protection ‘outrageous’

But what would it cost us?

via NZ Herald News.

If readers have knowledge of the effects of this measure on the local fishing industry, please get in touch. Here’s the entire Herald story (from APNZ):

New Zealand has voted against further protection measures for Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins at the world’s largest conservation summit in Jeju, Korea.

New Zealand was one of two countries to oppose further protection measures in a secret vote at the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s conference.

A vote was held on New Zealand banning gill and trawl nets in waters up to 100 metres deep – 117 countries and 459 organisations voted for the move.

New Zealand voted against, saying it was not backed by scientific evidence.

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Views: 412

Desmogblog sinks into murk

via Watts Up With That?.

WUWT asks: Forget to pay your bill, fellas?

Jim Hoggan’s flagship propaganda outlet, releaser of the Gleick stolen files, – is D.O.A.

Go to their site and you get an advertisement from their domain name registrar.


Ralph, in a comment, advises that the site is up again. But when I visit there’s no real site there. Just plain-text climate links which lead to lists of plain-text advertisements. It’s not real.

Where have they gone?

Views: 382