Sherpas sick of ‘climate change’

via BBC News – Everest Sherpas in glacial lake study warning. – h/t Ron.

“The situation has become such that many Sherpas in the region do not even want to hear the words ‘climate change’.”

The Mount Everest region’s Sherpas have said they are angry at the way studies of glaciers and glacial lakes have been conducted in recent years.

They say the studies do not involve them and that results are often spread through alarmist media reports that cause panic among locals in the area.

Threats such as glacial lake outburst are not being addressed, they say.

“Every time we begin to forget about the threats from glacial lake outburst, then comes news of yet another study through the radio and television, and this has been happening over and over again for more than 15 years now,” said Mr Sherpa.

“Instead of having to fear death like that again and again, we would rather die once if the lake really bursts out one day.”

Imja lake is a textbook example of a fast-growing glacial lake, which is why it is often a site of research studies by both organisations and university students.

Chairman of the Everest region’s Khumbu Alpine Conservation Council (KACC), Ang Nima Sherpa, said “People and organisations from all around the world secure funds from donors in the name of studying Imja while there are many other glaciers and glacial lakes in our region that are more dangerous but are never studied.”

President of the Nepal Mountaineering Association, Zimba Zangbu Sherpa, said: “The situation has become such that many Sherpas in the region do not even want to hear the words ‘climate change’ these days.”

Views: 377

5 Thoughts on “Sherpas sick of ‘climate change’

  1. Ron on 13/09/2012 at 1:18 pm said:

    Apart from the content, I thought it was interesting to find this featured on the main page for BBC world news, not hidden away somewhere – and it was not under the name of AGW cheerleaders Harrabin or Black. Wonder if there is finally a shift away from the CAGW party line (Roger Black’s departure was recently announced too).
    In framing the narrative of exploited indigenous people and insensitive westerners maybe they will realize that so many of the Green initiatives hurt the poor and powerless while benefiting the self-serving activists and rich opportunists.

    • Yes, interesting thoughts, Ron. I wondered whether this shows the BBC testing anti-AGW-alarmist waters for temperature. If so, I hope they repeat it.

  2. Andy on 13/09/2012 at 1:38 pm said:

    There’s more from this two year old article from the Guardian

    Even the Nepal government rarely ventures here. So bringing in 32 scientists from 13 countries, as the Mountain Institute has done, is a logistical nightmare.

    Seventeen tents, 60kg of rice, a generator which turns out to be unreliable, and 6kg of yak cheese – it takes a lot to keep a large group going for three days.

    You really have to wonder why 32 scientists are required to measure a lake.
    I rather suspect it’s all in the name of activism and spreading the message as far and wide as possible, rather than much actual science.

    • Richard Christie on 13/09/2012 at 3:53 pm said:

      You really have to wonder why 32 scientists are required to measure a lake.
      I rather suspect it’s all in the name of activism and spreading the message as far and wide as possible, rather than much actual science.

      It’s probably because if only two or three recorded the data some group of ideologues would accuse the scientists of bias and of deliberately distorting the data, then take them to a court of law in the hope of stopping the sun from rising and to stop the rise and fall of the tides.

  3. Jim Mck on 13/09/2012 at 3:06 pm said:

    I see USA Today is closing downs its Greenhouse Blog – a few more such announcements and we may have a trend.

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