The Conversation has a new theme

Tell me what you think of it

The old theme was broken by the recent small changes to the site. I replaced it with one that works, though it’s not perfect and I’ll tweak it or find a better one.

I hope it works for everyone, but please tell me of any problems you find. Getting used to a new theme is rather like moving into a new house. It takes time and you find yourself turning towards the old kitchen for a while before the habitual movement is replaced.

Of course, just as you’re getting used to it, I’ll find the perfect theme and change it all again. I don’t know how to avoid that, sorry!

For those interested, the old theme was Freshy2 and this one is Twenty Fourteen Prana. Prana is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘breath’ or ‘life breath’. I hope it breathes new life through our conversations.

If you know something about WordPress themes, feel free to recommend one you like.

Views: 48

9 Thoughts on “The Conversation has a new theme

  1. Andy on 29/05/2014 at 1:47 pm said:

    Yes I quite like it

  2. Mike Jowsey on 30/05/2014 at 7:31 am said:

    The layout is great, but the fonts look best in Internet Explorer. In Firefox and Opera italics are washed out and difficult to read. Other than that, the layout is intuitive and clean.

  3. Andy on 30/05/2014 at 11:39 am said:

    One comment I have is that the top bar is quite large, it takes up quite a bit of the screen. A smaller graphic might be better

    • Richard C (NZ) on 30/05/2014 at 1:15 pm said:

      Yes the top bar leaves a bit to be desired. Could be sharper, I can’t read the small print. And I think the black bar below the graphic is a bit much (makes the graphic seem deeper than it actually is).

      Apart from that; new, fresh, vivid, and crisp. Appropriate for an era of climate clarity ahead sans the blurred “lines of evidence” perhaps?

      I zoom my “View” out a few times to make reading easier for tired (and aging) eyes. Most of the sidebar was then missing from my screen in the old theme. Now it all goes down below the comment box and full screen width for some of the items – nice! Some of the text doesn’t render too well in Firefox though as Mike points out too e.g. this in red:

      • Climate Conversation Group •
      • more than 1,400,000 visits a year
      • over 7,600,000 hits a year

      Is all but illegible. Same for white text under Latest climate models v. reality, GHG fingerprint missing, and the ENSOMETER

      I see that for all the super El Nino hype the ENSOMETER is still stuck between Neutral and weak La Nina. Maybe it just needs a bit of a tap like some old barometers.

  4. Thanks for your comments, men. I’m listening, but some things take time to change. I’ve made changes to the banner and I will make changes to the sidebar. I’m also looking for a better theme. Cheers.

    • Andy on 31/05/2014 at 8:05 am said:

      The new top graphic looks much better!

    • Yes, it works quite well, glad you like it. Believe it nor not, I took the photograph: Murrays Bay wharf, just down the road, under a dramatic sky; and designed the logo (too tight to pay anyone!).

  5. Robin Pittwood on 01/06/2014 at 9:08 am said:

    Sorry to be way off topic, good theme and all, but there’s a new paper at Nature and you need to take a look.
    It’s about wave effects breaking up Antarctic ice.
    “The propagation of large, storm-generated waves through sea ice has so far not been measured, limiting our understanding of how ocean waves break sea ice. Without improved knowledge of ice breakup, we are unable to understand recent changes, or predict future changes, in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. Here we show that storm-generated ocean waves propagating through Antarctic sea ice are able to transport enough energy to break sea ice hundreds of kilometres from the ice edge. Our results, which are based on concurrent observations at multiple locations, establish that large waves break sea ice much farther from the ice edge than would be predicted by the commonly assumed exponential decay1, 2, 3. We observed the wave height decay to be almost linear for large waves—those with a significant wave height greater than three metres—and to be exponential only for small waves. This implies a more prominent role for large ocean waves in sea-ice breakup and retreat than previously thought. We examine the wider relevance of this by comparing observed Antarctic sea-ice edge positions with changes in modelled significant wave heights for the Southern Ocean between 1997 and 2009, and find that the retreat and expansion of the sea-ice edge correlate with mean significant wave height increases and decreases, respectively. This includes capturing the spatial variability in sea-ice trends found in the Ross and Amundsen–Bellingshausen seas. Climate models fail to capture recent changes in sea ice in both polar regions4, 5. Our results suggest that the incorporation of explicit or parameterized interactions between ocean waves and sea ice may resolve this problem.”
    The lead author Alison Kohout is from NIWA. Credit where credits due eh!

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