EPA’s McCarthy: ‘Every voice needs to be in this discussion’

Of course, we only listen to normal people

h/t Richard Cumming. When he pointed to Jamie Glazov’s article I discovered the McCarthy outrage.

Lots of people have stopped listening to climate science, which observes no warming for 20 years. They are now being exhorted to stop listening to ‘climate deniers’.

US EPA chief Gina McCarthy is spouting insidious totalitarian doctrine hidden beneath a pretended admiration of democracy and camouflaged by appeals to the good of the majority. So she prepares the ground for legal restraints against honest free speech, and someone must point it out. Continue Reading →

Views: 178

What the media aren’t telling you about climate change

From our friends at Daily Media Review comes this revealing story of how the IPCC itself announced that we can expect no dangerous warming from our CO2 emissions. – RT

By Daily Media Review

The mainstream media love to lecture us daily about the coming apocalypse as a result of catastrophic climate change, but are we being told the complete story?

There is little dispute amongst the scientific community about the warming effect of CO2. Both those who accept and those who reject the climate change hypothesis agree on this—they even agree as to how much warming CO2 is capable of causing. But according to the International Panel on Climate Change, CO2 only accounts for half of the expected warming in the computer models. Continue Reading →

Views: 223

Climate science should abandon the cudgel and present evidence

Further to Are you a scientist?:

Someone the other day was telling me I shouldn’t have criticised the VUW lecture on the basis of a brochure—she said I should wait to hear the lecture first. She made a good point, but she knows nothing (because the TV news never mentions it) of the unbelievable saga of flawed “climate” papers presenting patronising descriptions of the inadequate mindset of climate sceptics. Continue Reading →

Views: 74

New Kiwi study — warming not linked to CO2

Gary Kerkin, a scientist member of the NZ Climate Science Coalition, has released a study of surface temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (pdf, 349 KB) over New Zealand during the last hundred years and finds they are unrelated. This is similar, Gary says, to observations around the world, which find “a small increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but no significant upward trend in temperature.” Continue Reading →

Views: 277

Curiously connected temperatures

Australia and NZ are closer than we thought

Source: New Zealand hottest ever day in February 1973 arrived directly from Australian heatwave | Errors in IPCC climate science

Warwick Hughes came across the highest temperatures recorded in New Zealand and found that they occurred just as a Sydney heatwave came to an end. Continue Reading →

Views: 83

Are you a scientist?

Then you know that scepticism is quite normal—it’s not a mental illness

If you don’t believe me, see a doctor

He will ask, quite properly, what’s wrong with you. But he should confirm that scepticism is normal, that if you need to overcome scepticism, evidence works well and, for God’s sake, don’t accuse sceptics of being unbalanced. Oh, wait; that’s exactly what Victoria University plans to do. See this brochure. Continue Reading →

Views: 415

You’re not wrong, Warwick

[These comments on the availability of NZ temperature records from the ever-watchful Warwick Hughes in Australia may draw useful information from someone.]

Source: Confused reporting of cold in New Zealand | Errors in IPCC climate science

The headline in The NZ Herald says New Zealand hit by record cold temperatures overnight, yet a reading of the article gives no examples of actual records, only some bone-chilling -20°C overnight lows in the South Island. Hopefully some Kiwis might have better information. Continue Reading →

Views: 90

Free speech means literally anything you like

That’s its power

If you’re thinking of making an off-colour joke in modern Britain you’d be better off joining ISIS writes Douglas Murray in the Spectator. The point he makes is a good one. Whenever some idiot gets it into their head that it’s the right and proper thing to do to go and join an Islamist death cult in Somalia, Syria or Iraq – fully aware of the brutality that this will entail and of the innocents they may well be required hideously and ruthlessly to murder – we are expected to indulge them as hapless, brainwashed victims: nice, warm, caring, wouldn’t-hurt-a-fly types who were just led astray.

So says the wonderful James Delingpole at Breitbart. Source: Welcome to Modern Britain Where Sexism is a Greater Crime Than Violent Jihadism – Breitbart

Losing your job for making a bad joke or an off-colour joke, or even an offensive joke, is an act of oppression. Continue Reading →

Views: 102

Global warming the Wicked Witch of the West

Wave takes dog, owner yells global warming

The beach at St Clair, Dunedin, in a bit of breeze. Photo ODT

On Monday came a story of blatant disregard of nature’s power. A woman walks a small dog on a beach pounded by violent waves. A large wave swamps them and the dog is swept away.

Source: ‘Rogue wave’ sweeps dog from owner – Otago Daily Times

Passers-by watched in horror as a “rogue wave” surged up to engulf a woman and her dog walking on a Dunedin beach yesterday.

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Views: 403

Europe’s lunatics don’t want cheap green energy

Shanghai solar panels

Solar panels in Shanghai installed on a river or canal—plenty of those across Shanghai. Click to enlarge.

Bureaucrats slap tariffs on Chinese solar cells – incredible

Those non-elected, impossible-to-sack bureaucrats who “manage” Europe have lost their wits. While the rest of the world tries to hammer out a global agreement to reduce our emissions and thus “fight” climate change, these thickwits have slapped a 70% anti-dumping tariff on cheap Chinese solar panels. How mad can they get? Continue Reading →

Views: 49

Hey, let’s share climate change propaganda prior to Paris!

Lucky photo of actual climate caught in the act of changing. Similar catastrophes can be expected in numerous places every summer and during drought. CAUTION: Does not depict all reported effects of climate change, including but not limited to flooding, sea level rise, struggling brothels, ocean acidification, acne, cannibalism, lost fish, rioting and nuclear war, whale weight loss, sexual promiscuity, cockroach migration, shrinking brains nor the extinction of any species.

Media organisations around the world are working together to cover climate change more effectively. — h/t Magoo

So says Stuff, explaining:

Stuff.co.nz has joined 24 other media organisations from around the world in a network that will share climate change stories in the lead-up to a United Nations summit in Paris in December. The 25 founding partners of the Climate Publishing Network were brought together by The Guardian, El Pais and the Global Editors Network.

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Views: 89

Records show Dunedin floods not caused by climate change

A crowd-sourced rebuttal to the empty-headed Greens

Dunedin flood 2015

April 1923 – Flooding on Anzac Avenue, looking towards Harrow Street (DCC archives). Click to enlarge.

God bless our readers!

These two comments appeared under yesterday’s midnight post Greens blame “climate change” for Dunedin floods and provide all the proof we need that the Green Party is entirely wrong to blame the June 3 Dunedin flooding on climate change. Why? Because they show that the severe flooding two days ago is not new. Unusual, but not unique. A combination of rainfall data and photographs makes these comments as convincing as they were prompt. Continue Reading →

Views: 93

Greens blame “climate change” for Dunedin floods

Dunedin flood June 2015

Dunedin flooding. Apparently all our own work (click to exaggerate, I mean enlarge) – © 2015 Twitter

How predictable of them

When I saw this in my inbox after dinner, I couldn’t ignore it. Who cares about sleep (but thanks, Len).

The Dunedin flood is a result of climate change and the Government’s “inaction” on the issue, the Green Party says.

“The flooding in Dunedin highlights that the National Government needs to stop being the problem and start being part of the solution on climate change,” Green Party local government spokesperson Eugenie Sage said. “Since National came to power in 2008, New Zealand’s net emissions have increased by 13 percent; the scientific consensus is that increasing emissions will cause more extreme weather events.” Continue Reading →

Views: 80