Volcano under modern ice sheet. Lava plays havoc with that iceman, I mean ice, man.
• Opinion •
— by Viv Forbes, Chairman of Carbon Sense
“Climate” is formally the thirty-year “average” of weather. Climate is what we expect, on average—weather is what we actually get.
It is true that atmospheric conditions (dust, smoke, smog, aerosols, aircraft contrails, clouds and trace gases) can affect Earth’s weather. But none of these minor atmospheric constituents can generate energy—they merely filter, reflect, transfer or redirect a portion of solar energy. The effects of any changes tend to be short-lived, reversed as the atmosphere clears or they often trigger negative feedbacks that largely offset the initial effect. In particular, carbon dioxide does not drive the weather. No weather forecaster notes what tomorrow’s level of CO2 is likely to be, and no farmer wonders what it will be next spring. Continue Reading →
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