New comments editor

I’ve just installed a slick new editor for writing comments that gives easy access to formatting, blockquotes, links and some other things. Should make life a bit easier without interfering with the delayed editing—or anything else. Let me know of any questions or problems. Hope you like it.


Richard T.

UPDATE 11:45 am NZDT Friday 4th November

I’ve deactivated the new editor for a while. I’ve now seen what RC is talking about and I haven’t found a solution yet. I’ll keep looking. Thanks for all the feedback! – RT

Views: 48

14 Thoughts on “New comments editor

  1. Maggy Wassilieff on 01/11/2016 at 10:33 pm said:

    The line spacing of this new version is a bit of a trick.

    Check-out the coding when you shove a return in.



  2. Richard C (NZ) on 02/11/2016 at 9:06 am said:

    RT. A number of problems

    1) Spacing as per Maggy above.

    2) I’m being asked to log in to the notrickszone blog in a popup window every time I look at ‘Pausible Denial’ at least.

    3) Comment disappears from box when changing tabs but appears in thread if ‘Submit’ is clicked i.e. it is impossible to complete the comment in the editor.

    4) Depending on the browser the ‘Rich Text’ option takes a long time to load.

    5) Extremely frustrating and clunky in current configuration.


  3. Richard Treadgold on 02/11/2016 at 3:48 pm said:


    Yeah, strange. Maybe it helps them when adding markup for <blockquote>. But the comments look all right. Is there a problem with the extra paragraph?


  4. Richard Treadgold on 02/11/2016 at 4:04 pm said:

    @Richard C,

    Sorry about this.

    1. See my response and question to Maggy.

    2. Very strange. I wondered about a caching issue. Is it still happening? Are you using Firefox?

    3. This is beyond annoying!! You seem to have tried multiple browsers; is this common to them all?

    4. What Rich Text option? Or is this your name for the new editor?

    5. Are you describing yet more glitches, or is this a summary of the problems you’ve described?

    I haven’t seen any of this behaviour myself but I’ll look for solutions. Let me know if anything changes.

  5. Richard C (NZ) on 02/11/2016 at 4:54 pm said:


    1. See my response and question to Maggy.


    The spacing is terrible from my views using Opera and Firefox. I can edit after Submit in Firefox but not in my ‘slim’ but fast Opera version but that’s my problem. JoNova however (see below) has a ‘Review’ option which means we can get the comment right BEFORE we Submit. I used to view CCG ‘No Style’ a lot (not just this blog, I do this a lot to filter out extraneous “Rich browsing experience” rubbish elsewhere e.g. advertising and miles of graphics) and comment that way too but can’t comment that way now here at CCG with the new configuration.

    In short, I go for anything fast – life is short.
    2. Very strange. I wondered about a caching issue. Is it still happening? Are you using Firefox?


    Opera or Firefox depending on what I’m doing. I don’t care for a “Rich browsing experience” but I do like comment editors. Not this setup however. JoNova is best IMO. Having to Refresh after being timed out (or whatever it is) drives me nuts, takes forever. Hence my workaround in 3) below.
    3. This is beyond annoying!! You seem to have tried multiple browsers; is this common to them all?


    Yes. I get timed out. For anything longer I compile in Notepad then copy in and Submit quick as a workaround.

    4. What Rich Text option? Or is this your name for the new editor?


    “Rich Text” is the terminology for bolding, hotlinking etc:


    ‘Enable or disable full rich-text formatting in a rich text box’

    5. Are you describing yet more glitches, or is this a summary of the problems you’ve described?


    Yes, summary of the overall experience but I’m also asked for “Authentication” to notrickszone when I switch browsers (not Log in as previously mentioned). Also having the Editor resolve video links say, to direct access is way too much I think. Clutters the thread detrimentally, again just my opinion.

    Also can’t Copy into the box at times. Have been using Ctrl V instead.


  6. Richard C (NZ) on 02/11/2016 at 5:09 pm said:

    >”I get timed out. For anything longer I compile in Notepad then copy in and Submit quick as a workaround”


    This also happens when I switch tabs from CCG to whatever I’m referring to in another tab and back again to the CCG tab. When I go back to the CCG tab whatever I’ve already drafted has disappeared from the box and I cannot continue typing (have to Refresh, wait ages, then start again) but if I click Submit immediately (before Refresh) what I drafted appears in the thread even though I can’t see it in the comment box when I Submit..

    My workaround has been to draft in Notepad first as I’ve described. I used to compile my CCG comments at JoNova some time ago using the Rich Text box there but stopped ding that a while back. The JN Review option is great to see what the comment looks like and to make corrections before submission.

  7. Richard C (NZ) on 02/11/2016 at 5:15 pm said:

    Should be: “This [.] happens when I switch tabs from CCG”


    But not every time. I wasn’t thrown out of the long comment just previous even though I switched tabs to the reference – ‘Enable or disable full rich-text formatting in a rich text box’ and link to it, and back again to CCG.



  8. Richard Treadgold on 02/11/2016 at 5:31 pm said:


    The spacing is terrible from my views using Opera and Firefox.

    What makes it terrible?

    I can edit after Submit in Firefox but not in my ‘slim’ but fast Opera version but that’s my problem. JoNova however (see below) has a ‘Review’ option which means we can get the comment right BEFORE we Submit.

    This sounds good. That’s what our current option does for me, and apparently everyone else.

    I used to view CCG ‘No Style’ a lot (not just this blog, I do this a lot to filter out extraneous “Rich browsing experience” rubbish elsewhere e.g. advertising and miles of graphics) and comment that way too but can’t comment that way now here at CCG with the new configuration.

    Is ‘No Style’ a browser option? What advertising and graphics do you get on CCG in the comment box?

    Yes. I get timed out. For anything longer I compile in Notepad then copy in and Submit quick as a workaround.


    I frequently do this, not just on this blog. My comments often take hours to complete, which means if I don’t refresh the page I’m not aware of intervening comments that may influence what I want to say.

    “Rich Text” is the terminology for bolding, hotlinking etc:


    Yeah, I know what rich text is.


    Yes, summary of the overall experience but I’m also asked for “Authentication” to notrickszone when I switch browsers (not Log in as previously mentioned).

    This can’t be WordPress or the plugin but some artifact of your system. Can you imagine what little piece of cache, internet or network software might be capable of this?

    Also having the Editor resolve video links say, to direct access is way too much I think. Clutters the thread detrimentally, again just my opinion.

    Having not often never inserted a video in a comment I don’t understand this comment. What’s direct access? How is the thread cluttered?


    Also can’t Copy into the box at times. Have been using Ctrl V instead.

    Strangely enough my habit is always to use Ctrl C and Ctrl V. It’s faster than reaching for the mouse.

    Going through this comment to tag the relevant paras with blockquote has been a pleasant, brief experience! Sorry you’re not getting it like that. But I’ll see what I can find.

  9. Richard C (NZ) on 02/11/2016 at 8:27 pm said:

    Thought I could risk not using Notepad for this – nope, got thrown out (timed out or something) just putting together the following.

    >What makes it terrible?

    Screeds of grey space between paragraphs with CCG Style, whitespace with No Style.

    >This sounds good. That’s what our current option does for me, and apparently everyone else.

    Are you sure? Even well before installation of the Editor the Edit option was only available AFTER comment submission with whatever browser I’ve ever used that gave me the Edit option. I’ve never had a Preview option (as per JoNova) at CCG. I don’t know of any other comment bax anywhere other than JoNova that has a Preview facility. Try it out at JoNova to see what I’m describing. The option is – “Click the “Preview” button to preview your comment here.”

    >Is ‘No Style’ a browser option?

    Yes, in Firefox. ‘User Mode’ in Opera. Variations in IE etc.

    >What advertising and graphics do you get on CCG in the comment box?

    None. Not a criticism of mine of CCG anyway. I was describing how I filter out unwanted website content elsewhere e.g. news sites. But also a very useful mode at CCG for reasons irrelevant to these Text Editor problems.

    >I frequently do this, not just on this blog. My comments often take hours to complete,……

    Point is, this new timed out thing (or whatever it is) has only just required a workaround due to the new Text Editor. I’ve NEVER been thrown out of any other Editor box as I have been from the new Editor here at CCG.

    >”This can’t be WordPress or the plugin but some artifact of your system. Can you imagine what little piece of cache, internet or network software might be capable of this?

    No idea of anything at my end, I clear browser caches every day. I don’t log in or comment at notrickszone either. The problem began after I linked to that website here:

    Richard C (NZ) on October 29, 2016 at 10:34 am said:
    3 New Papers Reveal Dominance Of Solar, Cloud Climate Forcing Since The 1980s … With CO2 Only A Bit Player [Link to notrickszone]

    I think this was the first of my links that the Editor automatically hotlinked. Maybe just delete that comment?

    >”Having not often never inserted a video in a comment I don’t understand this comment. What’s direct access? How is the thread cluttered?

    Maybe if you look at the threads via a normal view as we see it i.e. not as blog Administrator. It’s turned into a dogs breakfast IMO. It is useful to have graph and image URLs resolved as per WUWT, Climate Etc, Skeptical Science, but videos?

    Every video takes up dollops of column space – for what? Similar at WUWT but not many links to videos by those guys. Someone like Dennis around and we get a thread full of videos. I inadvertantly had a video URL automaticaly resolved when I copied in a Hot Topic comment that had a video link. Wont be doing that again.

    I’m sure automatic video URL link resolution can be selectively disabled as upthread (‘Enable or disable full rich-text formatting in a rich text box’ – link). Maybe that’s just me though. Others may prefer having the videos prominent.

  10. Richard C (NZ) on 02/11/2016 at 8:35 pm said:

    >What makes it terrible? Screeds of grey space between paragraphs with CCG Style, whitespace with No Style.


    For example your comment RT, not “screeds” in that case but not good spacing either. My comment in reply, compiled in Notepad and copied in, is perfectly spaced on the other hand.

  11. Richard C (NZ) on 02/11/2016 at 9:07 pm said:

    >”I was describing how I filter out unwanted website content elsewhere e.g. news sites. But also a very useful mode at CCG for reasons irrelevant to these Text Editor problems.”


    And how I can’t comment via No Style anymore. This isn’t a problem though because it is easy to switch between No Style and Style to enable commenting i.e. my problem only and easily remidied.


    Also but a major problem. As previous comment 2 above (8:27 pm), I can’t link directly to CCG comments anymore using comment URLs i.e. cross linking doesn’t work by that method. The Editor lops off the comment#. As previous in this paragraph  I’ve accidentally discovered we have to cross link using the time stamp – NOT the comment URL.


    This renders useless ALL the comment cross links in the blog that link by comment URL.

  12. Richard C (NZ) on 02/11/2016 at 9:54 pm said:

    >”The Editor lops off the [comment URL] comment#”


    But in the comments feed (Comments for CCG) I can see the comment URL with comment# still there e.g. from comments feed (abbreviated):





    Those 2 URLs do not resolve to each comment directly. Just hotlinks to each post.

  13. Maggy Wassilieff on 08/11/2016 at 8:38 am said:

    I have tried posting a video link to Senator Malcolm’s Parliamentary Press Conference on to the Plausible deniability site, but it hasn’t shown up.

    Here is Senator Malcolm’s report on the CSIRO’s evidence for Mankind’s influence on Climate change

    [I’ve dug it out of the spam box and corrected the senator’s name. This is the first of two comments; let me know if you prefer the later one. – RT]

  14. Maggy Wassilieff on 08/11/2016 at 9:18 am said:

    Woops, above should read… Senator Malcolm Robert’s ….

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