In a shameless piece of execrable disinformation today, the NZ Herald tries to tell us that carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas. Poisonous? Continue Reading →
Views: 1122
In a shameless piece of execrable disinformation today, the NZ Herald tries to tell us that carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas. Poisonous? Continue Reading →
Views: 1122
The Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry says of carbon dioxide (CO2) that it is “a colourless, odourless gas.” It’s non-toxic except in very high concentrations, it’s essential food for all terrestrial and marine plants and therefore makes all animal life possible, and its level in our blood regulates breathing. From it, plants create the oxygen that we and animals need to survive and its carbon component provides the basis of our anatomy and physiology. Continue Reading →
Views: 1003
CLOUDS – water vapour (think steam); non-polluting, non-toxic, form on micro-particles, make fantastic animals and shapes
TV One managed to plumb new intellectual depths last Friday when it tried to associate photo-chemical smog and micro-particle emissions in urban areas with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. It frequently displayed images of real air pollution. Continue Reading →
Views: 601
Drought — the big dry
TV One’s great “climate change” campaign continued last Thursday, featuring a medley of nonsense about “extreme events” and New Zealand’s future scorching temperatures before sounding off about Donald Trump’s foolishness in withdrawing the USA from the Paris Climate Agreement. As we have come to expect, TVNZ was wrong on each point. Continue Reading →
Views: 656
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Views: 290
New Zealand’s TV One kept up its tradition of climate misinformation last night (8 Nov), this time about the state of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Continue Reading →
Views: 681
h/t WUWT
— by Barry Brill, Chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
The popular press has dubbed this remote Fijian settlement the world’s first community to be forced to migrate by climate-caused rising seas. But is it true? Continue Reading →
Views: 1542
It’s Tuesday evening and TV One isn’t improving. This time it claims that climate refugees will be leaving Kiribati due to rising seas, caused by man-made climate change, and heading to New Zealand where, surprisingly, the new government is preparing to issue ‘climate refugee’ visas. Continue Reading →
Views: 316
TV One is emphasising climate change this week and demonstrating just how bad the media can be. It’s not clear if it’s incompetent journalists or incompetent climate advisors but it makes a mockery of the idea that TV One tells the whole story accurately and honestly. Continue Reading →
Views: 386
To the Editor
Climate Conversation
7 November 2017
The climate warriors are holding yet another Global Warming Jamboree in Bonn. We can expect an orchestrated flood of frightening forecasts to support their alarmist agenda.
Continue Reading →
Views: 439
— by Barry Brill, Chairman of the NZ Climate Science Coalition
The Royal Society’s Human Health Impacts report forecasts that average air temperatures in New Zealand could rise by between 2.5°C and 5.0°C by the year 2100 – a mean of 3.75°C.
Let’s take an actual example. Continue Reading →
Views: 590
There are important things to say about the NZ Royal Society’s deceptive and alarmist report on human health impacts from climate change, released last month.
The eight-page report sets out the strongest available case for New Zealanders to be fearful of dangerous anthropogenic global warming (DAGW). But we don’t find the case at all strong or at all scary – so we hope everybody will read and understand it. Continue Reading →
Views: 618
[CORRECTION 1 Nov 2017 1945 NZDT: The original post used annual data. Figures for the standard error at 19 and 20 years have been removed until I can redo them using monthly data. The trends are unaffected. RT]
[CORRECTION 2 Nov 2017 1605 NZDT: There have been numerous changes to align this post with a Coalition submission to the Royal Society. There are minor changes, references to error margins and to the 20-year chart have been binned and the title changed to “… not warmed for 19 years”. RT]
For the national temperature record, the 7SS, NIWA have collected the data, checked it, adjusted it, approved it and published it on their website, so they can scarcely now argue with it. But, on the other hand, it’s totally at odds with what they say in public. Note to MSM: this ought to be front-page news.
Views: 1487