Dr Vincent Gray
I regret to announce the death of Dr Vincent Gray at 7:45 yesterday morning, after an illness.
Vincent was a co-founder of the NZ Climate Science Coalition and was generous in sharing his knowledge. He consistently offered me help and encouragement after being invited by Bob Carter to join the Coalition about twelve years ago.
His support of colleagues was matched by an implacable defiance towards opponents, an unmatched skill in identifying errors of reasoning and an enviable fluency in refuting arguments with unfailing courtesy.
The world has lost a ferocious illumination.
Views: 428
Rest in Peace Dr Gray. You lived a good life as a good man
Thankyou Dr Gray. We have a lot left to do.
Vincent was always an intellect and a gentleman, both of which traits shall be missed.
RT – “an enviable fluency in refuting arguments with unfailing courtesy”. – An epitaph of which to be envious.
He was a truly lovely man. I well remember him well in his eighties catching either the train or the bus to the beehive for a meeting at night at my request at which NIWA representatives were to present their argument for catastrophic warming. To my disgust Nick Smith denied Dr Gray entry.
He was far more polite than I should have been.
What sort of science is scared of a sceptic?
Rodney Hide
Thanks, Rodney. A stirring memory and a disturbing question.