Meeting in Tauranga

I’ll be there — if you see me, please come and say hi; I’d love to meet you. Come along with all those questions you’ve never had a chance to ask. This is the MfE—they know the truth, right? Take advantage! Join me as I gang up on them!
Details below.
Monday, 9 July, 2018, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Greerton Hall,
1263 Cameron Road,
Organised by Ministry for the Environment
Views: 640
Hope the meeting went well; Could have been sticky…….
I have wondered if the coalition’s ’20yr limit to oil prospecting’ is out of what I can gather of NZ1st’s ‘Norwegian Solution’? That is, make plans to do something, but otherwise ‘hurry up and wait’ as all soldiers experience (Marksy being one). Because, I guess, all our actions should be contingent on facts not models. Norway has both massive hydrocarbon exports plus hydropower for home and export, I think. (Hmmm – we have fiords too). Nor am I sure about NZ1st Energy Policy.
This is the Wadham-killer. Sycophants beware, your doom cometh, if you only knew – anything..
On 9 June, I received an email from the Ministry for the Environment, encouraging me to “have my say” on James Shaw’s Zero Carbon by 2050 proposal. It should have made clear that Ministry staff intended to objectively consider arguments for and against.
However ….
The Ministry’s email went on to say:
“Climate change is not just an environmental issue. It has social and economic implications that affect all of us. Taking action on climate change presents a unique opportunity to create a more prosperous, fairer New Zealand while protecting and regenerating our environment.”
Prosperity? Fairness? When and how did this Ministry become expert on such issues?
Dear Ministry,
Please lead us to the glorious sunlight uplands of the low carbon economy! We are united and will find and report all those class traitors that deny the reality of climate change!
Does this sound familiar?