Sent this day to the Deputy Prime Minister
The phrase create economic chaos for us linked to Justin Haskins’ analysis in the Washington Examiner. Justin Haskins is an executive editor and research fellow at The Heartland Institute.
– tip o’ the hat to NZCPR
Views: 144
I support this call call on the grounds that there is no scientific backing for CAGW. Only failed Models and the late criminal Maurice Strong’s desire to destroy Western Civilisation. This includes food supplies ie Farming and fuel supplies ie oil gas and coal as planned by James Shaw.
Real Scientists in NZ from Dave Kear and Doug Edmeades down to private researchers like myself, have found that Physics never supported the Greens’ belief systems.
Mr Shaw,s international travel bill for the last quarter exceeded that of any other parliamentary member at $73,771 according to The Northern Advocate newspaper. “A spokesman said ministers’ air travel emissions were offset when they flew Air New Zealand or one of its Star Alliance partners.” You guessed it he was off saving the planet at “climate change events” I assume his jet fuel will have to be imported from countries that still understand the need for oil production.