It’s about time to review the evidence for man-made global warming

From my colleague and good friend John McLean, of Melbourne, comes a penetrating discussion about evidence that’s long been missing from science, let alone the unmoderated disputes in the global warming branch of science. His sixth paragraph is surgically astute. I will have a contribution in this area ready soon. – RT

— by Dr John D. McLean
first published at American Thinker on March 27, 2019

American Thinker

Some people seem to think man-made global warming has been proven. Others believe there’s no evidence that man-made warming exists. Neither is correct. Evidence exists, but, as people familiar with courts of law will know, what’s submitted as evidence is not automatically proof. Continue Reading →

Views: 488

Brexit – what cliff?

We are ill-served by our news organs with overseas news, and what we get on Brexit is decidedly pro-Remain, so I’m pleased to present this commentary from Melanie Phillips. She quotes a Whitehall whistle-blower who discredits the chilling Remainer predictions describing a no-deal Brexit as a “cliff edge.” My interest? Advancing the cause of free speech and seeing the welcome return of “the inventor of political liberty” to that liberty. As well, if a real Brexit is achieved, the UK will be more able to abandon the economic wrecking ball that is EU climate policy. Germany just joined the eastern states on economic grounds in refusing to commit to “climate neutrality” by 2050; what revolt might be next? The human energies to be released by Brexit hint at decades of prosperity for millions—we among them.

Phillips opens

As this Brexit crisis has degenerated into a nightmare, with Remainer MPs making their no-holds-barred attempt to block Brexit while the prime minister tries to force through her dreadful and dishonest snatch-Remain-out-of-the-jaws-of-Brexit deal, I have been very moved by the messages readers have been steadily sending me demonstrating that amongst the public, Britain’s indomitable spirit has not been quashed.

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Views: 167

Stuff and nonsense

This would have been better published promptly (sorry!), but even tardy is better than never.  — RT

This extraordinary recent headline is still visible online, published by Stuff over the name of one Charlie Mitchell, journalist:

Charlie Mitchell

By asking for evidence of climate change, a council is neglecting its duty

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Views: 495

A power of electricity eaten by wind turbines

This (lightly edited) article reveals sensational facts about the “clean, renewable, inexpensive” wind generation being forced on us by dreaming greenies and spineless politicians. With solid, pragmatic engineering expertise it destroys the grounds cited by our Minister for Climate Change, James Shaw, and the bureaucrats of the Ministry for the Environment who would transform our economy to “zero carbon,” a ridiculous (and undefined) policy which could be recommended only when labouring under zero knowledge of the climate (but of course: “zero carbon” = zero knowledge). Knowing the facts set out below, there’s no defence for a national policy of “decarbonisation”, since there’s categorically no reliable replacement for fossil fuel-powered electricity generation to be found in windmills. The article was originally posted under the title “Electricity consumption in wind turbines” in about 2004 by Eric Rosenbloom, a science editor and writer (then) living in Vermont. There’s more information at his website and in his post A Problem With Wind Power (scroll to the bottom for lots of links). — h/t Susan Goodman for a comment at WUWT

— RT

Energy consumption in wind facilities

Large wind turbines require a large amount of energy to operate. Other electricity plants generally use their own electricity and the difference between the amount they generate and the amount delivered to the grid is readily determined. Wind plants, however, use electricity from the grid which does not appear to be accounted for in their output figures. At the facility in Searsburg, Vermont, for example, it is apparently not even metered and is completely unknown*. The manufacturers of large turbines — for example, Vestas, GE and NEG Micon — do not include electricity consumption in the specifications they provide. Continue Reading →

Views: 253

Letter from the young – reply from the living

We, the young, are deeply concerned about our future. Humanity is currently causing the sixth mass extinction of species and the global climate system is at the brink of a catastrophic crisis. Its devastating impacts are already felt by millions of people around the globe. Yet we are far from reaching the goals of the Paris agreement.

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We, the young, are deeply concerned about our future. Humanity is currently causing the sixth mass extinction of species and the global climate system is at the brink of a catastrophic crisis. Its devastating impacts are already felt by millions of people around the globe. Yet we are far from reaching the goals of the Paris agreement.

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Views: 304