Coalition comments

Insights from the
NZ Climate Science Coalition

‘Zero Carbon will need tough supervisors’

‘We’ll pick the apparatchiks before we tackle the Bill’

See this:

James Shaw is making the gross presumption that his loony Zero Carbon Bill will pass, by calling for nominations to a Climate Change Commission BEFORE the proposed legislation establishing that commission has even started its Second Reading.

Shaw is playing we Kiwis for fools! Or has there been a secret deal between Shaw and the scientifically illiterate National spokesman for climate change?

Someone needs to speak up loud and clear before nominations close at midnight tonight.

Views: 73

5 Thoughts on “Coalition comments

  1. Man of Thessaly on 29/07/2019 at 5:09 pm said:

    The Zero Carbon Bill may well have trouble getting through Parliament with cross-party support, especially the proposed emissions targets. But it’s not a secret deal – all parties have publicly said they support establishing a commission. So moving ahead on that part seems reasonable to me.
    Did you register your interest, or nominate someone else who you think is scientifically literate? (Just kidding. Anyone expressing your scientific views wouldn’t stand a chance).

  2. Richard Treadgold on 29/07/2019 at 9:18 pm said:


    So moving ahead on that part seems reasonable to me.

    Well, I didn’t say it was secret, just that because the Bill hasn’t passed, the commission hasn’t yet been created. But I suppose, if it really is supported across the House, I tend to agree with you. However, that’s no reason to avoid presenting evidence of the so-called dangerous warming said to be caused by CO2.

    Your subsequent cheap shot at me is breathtaking in its shameless flaunting of disrespect for science and your blindness to the need for evidence, expressing as you do precisely the partisan ideologies we’re battling in both science and politics. Because of your brazen support that reveals a hatred of real science, it is indeed true that sceptics stand no chance of serving on the Commission. Such is the power of these gatekeepers that it might be decades before love of truth rises again. The bitter irony is that your rejection of science, so carefully calculated to secure redemption for the climate sins of humanity, will succeed only in condemning all of our race to decades of pain, poverty, misery and loss of freedom.

    There’s still no sign of a temperature increase, is there?

  3. Barry Brill on 30/07/2019 at 2:24 am said:

    The mooted Climate Commission does not exist and may never be authorised by Parliament. The House has referred the Bill (which proposes the establishment of such an agency) to a Select Committee, which must recommend whether the Bill be allowed to advance to a Second Reading and, if so, whether it be amended.

    The Committee has asked for evidence and submissions from the public. It has not yet begun its hearings, which will probably occupy much of the next three months. Hundreds of submissions have focussed on the make-up of the Commission (if any) and critiqued Clause 5H which sets out the six strengths the Commission should possess. Many propose amendments to the six nominated characteristics. Their insights are yet to be considered.

    Because there is such an obvious need for Commission members to be entirely independent from Minister Shaw, the Bill provides for the establishment of a Nominating Committee of 5 persons who are to call for expressions of interest and vet nominees before making final recommendations to the Minister. Mr Shaw cannot ask the Governor-General to appoint anyone unless she has already been approved by the Nominating Committee and has then survived a process of consulting with all political parties.

    We should bear in mind that all these layers of process and protection were drafted by Mr Shaw himself. The Minister says he earnestly wants the Bill to receive bi-partisan support.

    What, then, is the explanation for the Minister’s out-of-the-blue statement that anyone who hopes to serve on the Commission must nominate themselves by last weekend. This ignores the process laid down in Shaw’s Bill. It sets out pages of description and includes requirements for expertise in many things not mentioned in the draft legislation. It appears to be some sort of coup whereby the Minister hijacks the Commission before Parliament even decides whether it wants to create such a thing.

  4. “The bitter irony is that your rejection of science, so carefully calculated to secure redemption for the climate sins of humanity, will succeed only in condemning all of our race to decades of pain, poverty, misery and loss of freedom”

    Nicely put Richard, you are accurately describing New Zealand’s descent into self-imposed green purgatory .

    Cole Ryan

    • Richard Treadgold on 30/07/2019 at 9:35 am said:

      Thank you, Cole. One of the few occasions when accuracy is disheartening.

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