Wellington – a lovely climate
Really? Are you serious? Well, prove it!! Tell us the evidence! Of course you’d first have to ask for some. Oh, and would you care to describe the effect of your silly declaration on the global temperature in 2030, 2050 and 2100?
The Wellington regional council has declared a climate emergency and thinks it can take action – including on its fleet of diesel buses. The region, as well as the world, has about 10 years to cut its emissions in half to change the course of climate change, the Greater Wellington Regional Council was told on Wednesday. Councillor Sue Kedgley said there had been some comments around the table about whether or not there was actually “an emergency”.
“I can’t understand how we can watch the news and not conclude that we’re in an emergency.”
But she gave no evidence of an emergency, so the council based its decision instead on her frank admission of ignorance (“I can’t understand”). Strange but true.
Councillor Daran Ponter expressed some doubts, confessing that the Wellington region was “actually quite small.”
Councillor Roger Blakeley said if last year’s predictions from the United Nations were correct, the world had 10 years left to halve its emissions—though, oddly, the UN said nothing of the kind.
Nothing in the Stuffed-up Stuff article resembles evidence of dangerous climate change, though it bears a striking similarity to propaganda. Nothing in the article resembles a reporter’s pertinent questions.
One “Michael JK” (who sounds like our friend Emeritus Professor Mike J Kelly, of Cambridge, comments:
“The region, as well as the world, has about 10 years to cut its emissions in half to change the course of climate change.”
Can anyone point out what contribution to stopping climate change will actually be attributable to the decision of the WRC?
I ask this when the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which will take 2 billion people out of poverty and hunger over the next 20 years and do more than anyone else to deliver the 1st and 2nd sustainable development goals of the UN, is building 700 new coal-fired power stations to provide the needed energy.
It’s a juicy thing, this ability to declare a climate emergency. It draws attention, reporters turn up to council meetings and take notes. Mayors and councillors get interviewed on radio and television and what do ya know, there’s an election coming up. Super wonderful. Happy happy, joy joy!
But some of us, property owners, businessmen, parents, engineers, doctors, honest academics (and electors all), demand evidence.
Views: 173
The same climate emergency motion was put to the Hamilton city council and the Waikato times contacted James Renwick who took to task the Councilors who voted against the motion .
Renwick is of the opinion that fossil fuels are causing irreparable harm and that “we ‘ are 100% responsible.
On the other hand Willem de Lange a climate scientist from Waikato University has little concern about climate change and sea level rise in the foreseeable future , but his concern is that earth quakes will affect places like Wellington astride fault lines .
Why don’t the Mayor and Councillors move a motion to stop earth quakes or a Quake emergency.
It would make as much sense as declaring a climate emergency .
They should all be voted out of office and some Councillors with a little common sense and are not into virtual signaling should be elected ,
Graham Anderson