Global warming facts to calm your sobbing children

A list of facts to remove children’s terror of global warming from Andrew Bolt, of the Herald Sun, Melbourne. He says it won’t kill you and we must fight the hysteria that follows Greta Thunberg’s breakdown at the United Nations. Easy to print out — distribute wildly widely.
UPDATED 16 Nov — added a link to Andrew Bolt’s article and corrected the link to Australian rainfall since 1900, adding a mini preview too.

No, global warming won’t kill you

Are you terrified by claims that global warming is an “existential threat”? That there will be a “great winnowing” and “mass deaths”? That we face “the collapse of our civilisations”? They are scare stories, don’t believe them. You are told to believe “the science” — well, here is some science you should believe — solid scientific facts that tell you global warming scares are empty. [NOTE: I’ve added mention of global, England and NZ temperatures. – RT]

Calm yourself — you are not in danger

Views: 608

3 Thoughts on “Global warming facts to calm your sobbing children

  1. Liza Fox on 21/10/2019 at 7:12 am said:

    The link to number 9 about the Australian rainfall is no longer viable. The website must have taken it down.

    • Richard Treadgold on 16/11/2019 at 11:51 am said:

      Thanks, Liza. I’ve found a useful link, though I don’t recall whether it was the same one.

  2. Liza Fox on 21/10/2019 at 7:13 am said:

    The link to number 9 about the Oz rainfall is no longer viable. The website must have removed it.

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