Democracy saves us all

One thousand, four hundred and sixty-six kilometres from the warm and turbulent North Cape to the cold and turbulent Stewart Island mark the length of our glorious land—world’s third-oldest continuous democracy and the most remote.

Driving reveals agreeable bays and beaches, trees, birds, rich green pasture, swathes of tussock, epic mountains and bush (as we call it—impenetrable forest to most). This ‘bush’ gentles the crude contours of our unstable geology until some barren granite slab towers majestically above the trees.

New Zealand is a welcoming land. Under the amiable sorcery we call hospitality, Kiwis will invite you in, say make yourself at home, so you are at home, and you will call it home forever even if you never return. May this simple courtesy last forever.

But now the land is silent. We catch on the breeze sometimes a murmuring, like distant insects, that’s all. A rainstorm makes more noise than this, but there’s talk of a coming cyclone, a firestorm, a cataclysm of greedy snatch and grab, perhaps a savagery not seen in two hundred years and a naked lust for gold and dominion.

They won’t conquer the country, surely? Yet we see, in our astonished, disbelieving silence, the enemy mauls democracy, alters national and local legislation to actually outlaw democracy in an obscene breach of it. From Maori electorates and local Maori wards, in professions from law to medicine to engineering and midwifery, we can no longer elect our representatives and policy turns woke. So we learn powerlessness.

In the last election our vote clung by a thread—by the next it might have gone. Activist voices rise everywhere, echo down Queen Street, along Lambton Quay, around the Square and through The Octagon. Misreading the leaked report on the Treaty Principles Bill, activists raged. “Let this fuel our fire! We do not surrender! We do not cede,” thundered Rawiri Waititi, who moans about the “tyranny of democracy.”

We need to make more noise to make it plain we despise this racist rebellion, refuse distortions of our history and forbid the destruction of our constitution. The Coalition are composed and valiant, but it’s hard to hold the line against relentless hostility and for courage they should hear our voice.

With 560,000 part-Maori and 3,000,000 part-British and about 170 other ethnicities registered as voters (table below), we hugely outnumber them, so activists only win if they wreck democracy. Maori leaders at Ratana called the Government their enemy and thus revealed their own enmity. Democracy seems like tyranny only because the tribes are not democratic—leaders decide everything. It’s a hopeful sign that Maoris love to say what they think.

One simple message can unite both sides: “Democracy saves us all.” As more wise heads grasp this, the more happiness and prosperity will the nation have.

We need to send a clear message to MPs, so let’s have a storm of emails and letters. “Dear MP, fight to save democracy or you’ll never get my vote. Signed politely.” As brief as that (add your own thoughts and include your networks).

Send to Members of Parliament and Ministers of the Crown, the media, public figures, friends and family.

We just need to speak, and we can win.

Richard Treadgold
Free New Zealand

Save democracy, because democracy saves us all

PS: Leave a comment below. How do you see this? RT.


Votes cast in 2023 by Roll

Voter designation by descent Voters Voters as % of Total Enrolled Non-voters Non-voters as % of Total Enrolled Total enrolled
All voters 2,858,896 77.51% 829,396 22.49% 3,688,292
Non-Māori descent 2,460,126 78.82% 661,154 21.18% 3,121,280
Māori descent 398,770 70.33% 168,242 29.67% 567,012

Download XLSX from Electoral Commission NZ

Download  Democracy saves us all (pdf, 218 KB)

Leighton Smith Podcast #226

Leighton Smith read this post in 7 minutes, starting at 1:22:00 of his podcast No. 226 on 14 February 2024.

Views: 125

One Thought on “Democracy saves us all

  1. Andy on 22/11/2024 at 10:07 am said:

    I haven’t been here in a while.
    So this post aged well!

    It does seem like things are getting a little crazy out there, with our Parliament hijacked by activists and narcissists

    Best wishes

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