UPDATE 3: Tue 12 Jan 2010 4:15 pm
It’s been four days without the blog
On Friday afternoon I asked for technical help from my web hosting provider. Something went wrong when they moved the site to a new server. While I was waiting for them to fix it, I formed a desire to install a second copy of WordPress as a test bed. I thought: what could possibly go wrong?
The minute I created the second database, the first one stopped working, meaning nobody, myself included, could access the Climate Conversation Group blog.
However, it turned out that there was no connection between the two events; they just coincided.
It’s very frustrating not having the blog available. The traffic logs show that a lot of people visit here every day, so I’m sorry about the lack of service.
Feel free to leave any comments, questions or complaints below.
UPDATE 2: Fri 8 Jan 2010 1:30 pm
Well, the upgrade still hasn’t happened, but the whole site is now on a server with the latest software that WordPress requires, hurrah! My thanks to the technical support staff at The Kiwi Web Hosting Company in Wellington for their help.
After the nameservers have replicated the new details I’ll do the WordPress upgrade. Boring, really, isn’t it? Computers have nothing to do with the subject, yet without them we’d wait weeks to hear each others’ messages, so it’s sensible to take care of them.
UPDATE 1: Thu 7 Jan 2010 10:28 am
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