Democracy saves us all

One thousand, four hundred and sixty-six kilometres from the warm and turbulent North Cape to the cold and turbulent Stewart Island mark the length of our glorious land—world’s third-oldest continuous democracy and the most remote.

Driving reveals agreeable bays and beaches, trees, birds, rich green pasture, swathes of tussock, epic mountains and bush (as we call it—impenetrable forest to most). This ‘bush’ gentles the crude contours of our unstable geology until some barren granite slab towers majestically above the trees.
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Views: 125

Kiwis — the passion to win

This short poem refers to the damage caused by new race-based values in civic and parliamentary representation, health care, the judicial system, education and  throughout society. I wrote it to oppose this fashionable bigotry and begin to draw contending voices together. If you like it, send it on to family, friends, colleagues, media, members of parliament, supporters of these changes or complete strangers.

Send the Word file (read-only), a link to this post or copy and paste the text into a letter. To contact the author, comment below. Leave a comment where you see the poem. Conservatives are a force for good.

Richard Treadgold

New Zealand Patriots

  • The air comes alive as new zeal fills the good,
  • Conservative values gain ground, as they should,
  • So rejoice as the pillars of freedom, long laid,
  • Find voice once again to be heard and reclaimed.
  • It’s toxic, a right that depends on one’s race,
  • The law need not know of a citizen’s birthplace,
  • So the zealots’ foul coup maps a future so dire
  • That we must resist it, heart staunch and afire.
  • If we unite in this fight for our kin
  • We can seize for our nation the passion to win—
  • Note how our state has the eyes of the world,
  • Our name on their lips as our banners unfurl.
  • These activists cheating their brothers are blind,
  • They don’t see we’re angry they’re planning a crime.
  • The contemptible rogues will be filling their purse,
  • Robbing their mates! What in Hell could be worse?
  • Their snarling is weak as they mock and offend,
  • But we’ll still not draw swords on these traitors,
  • Nor in our wrath will we snap as they bait us.
  • We’ll just take a pause; and speak truth, as to friends.


  • Richard Treadgold
  • July 2023

Views: 122

Shift of focus — politics & democracy

This blog must grow

My climate research has taken a hit because I’m focusing on the extraordinary electoral changes introduced by Jacinda Ardern’s government without approval or consultation with the electorate.

The effect is increasingly to distort the electoral balance away from ordinary voters, away from one voter, one vote in favour of Maoris. Not ordinary Maoris, but tribal activists and elites. Continue Reading →

Views: 281

Developments under way

Just to let you all know I’m still around but a bit busy and still eager to save the world.

There have been exciting developments in climate science, with many new confirmations that human activity is not dangerous but it’s taking politicians a very long time to get it.

The country’s democracy is being torn apart by the government’s constitutional vandalism but people are waking up to it. Some other democracies are being challenged too.

More later. Good luck.

Views: 448

Shocking racism, racial privilege our new normal

Some matters demand attention, no matter what important stuff one is already working on. Such is the case with Dr Muriel Newman’s Centre for Political Research, on this occasion turning up weighty issues of democracy, sovereignty and Maori political ambition. Muriel’s incisive article on the advance of Maori privilege under the Labour patronage is deeply disturbing and if we don’t pay it some attention our efforts for climate realism will seem as nothing. And who wants that?

Reposted from NZCPR Newsletter. Emphasis added.

In a speech in November 2000, the former Labour Party Prime Minister David Lange warned that if governments attempted to accommodate the increasingly audacious demands for sovereignty by the Maori tribal elite, they would end up threatening democracy itself.

“Democratic government can accommodate Maori political aspiration in many ways. It can allocate resources in ways which reflect the particular interests of Maori people. It can delegate authority, and allow the exercise of degrees of Maori autonomy. What it cannot do is acknowledge the existence of a separate sovereignty. As soon as it does that, it isn’t a democracy. We can have a democratic form of government or we can have indigenous sovereignty. They can’t coexist and we can’t have them both.Continue Reading →

Views: 23

Yes, there’s a virus crisis — by our socialist government

Our civil rights rescinded

Did you notice? Four days ago our civil rights were unceremoniously rescinded. Jacinda the Rescinder (openly communist) accomplished it without consultation, without advance notice, without apology and rammed through the House in a week.

She even told us she was doing us a favour, saving us from COVID-19, in the best tradition of power-grabbers everywhere. Continue Reading →

Views: 0

Maoris get more say than anyone, actually


Our friend Warwick Hughes draws our attention to a section of the AR5 which features the Maoris. Not New Zealanders, note, but Maoris.

In it, the IPCC expresses particular concern for Maoris, who, they predict, will be disadvantaged by the progressively worsening effects of anthropogenic global warming. They claim that Maoris’ “choices and actions continue to be constrained by … inequalities in political representation.”

Warwick raises his eyebrows at this and asks whether climate change is a hot topic in Maori society. But the allegation of inequality is so far from true that we can only jeer. Continue Reading →

Views: 420