A little bird tells me of something rotten in the state of NZ Engineering. Continue Reading →
Views: 567
A little bird tells me of something rotten in the state of NZ Engineering. Continue Reading →
Views: 567
This is brilliant and simple: attack climate activists when they trespass on forbidden areas.
I’ve just heard about this from Warwick Hughes. There’ll be more, by the sound of it. Malcom Roberts has laid a complaint with the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland regarding academics giving professional engineering advice though they are not registered engineers. Continue Reading →
Views: 94
Here’s good sceptical climate information all wrapped up in a lovely example of how to deliver it.
My good friend Bryan Leyland, engineer, sent this exchange. He gives us an admirable example of the best practicality and erudition, conjoined as only Kiwis do it, leavened with a charming humanity.
Some while ago Bryan gave an address to IPENZ (Institute of Professional Engineers NZ) members in Whangarei and one of his audience has been thinking carefully about what he said. Bryan just received a letter from this colleague, who describes himself as an environmental engineer, and Bryan replied. Below, the letter writer, with his name and details withheld to preserve his privacy, is quoted in the green text.
In his responses, Bryan listens to the anxiety and the honest intent of a person who looks like an opponent, keeps a level head and gives informed answers that address the substance of the opposing view. It’s an object lesson for us all, on both sides of the great climate divide. Continue Reading →
Views: 62