One thousand, four hundred and sixty-six kilometres from the warm and turbulent North Cape to the cold and turbulent Stewart Island mark the length of our glorious land—world’s third-oldest continuous democracy and the most remote.
Driving reveals agreeable bays and beaches, trees, birds, rich green pasture, swathes of tussock, epic mountains and bush (as we call it—impenetrable forest to most). This ‘bush’ gentles the crude contours of our unstable geology until some barren granite slab towers majestically above the trees.
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Views: 125
Hills? Clouds? Ocean? — from MetService website
A curious climate scandal was raised this week by one of our long-time favourite readers, biologist Dr Maggy Wassilieff (here is her comment).
Maggy reports on an article in the Sunday Star-Times by Paul Gorman, who describes the extraordinary duplication of national weather forecasting by both the MetService and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), both Crown Research Institutes (CRI).
As an aside, I must say how pleased I am to see a Stuff journalist inquiring into matters of climate—truly exciting, like spotting a unicorn.
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