Propaganda works!

“44% think food and drink would be safer if it had no carbon or CO2 in it.”
Let us pause for a moment and recognise the deep ignorance of our beloved brethren and sistren around the world. Please remember all those wonderful people force-fed the illogical propaganda of their green masters and who now believe the following seven impossible things before breakfast.
Of the Australian public, and no doubt our own “public”
- 93% think CO2 constitutes more than 1% of the atmosphere
- 53% believe climate change causes tsunamis
- 47% think CO2 is ‘pollution’
- 44% think food and drink would be safer if it had no carbon or CO2 in it
- 40% believe climate change causes earthquakes
- 37% believe climate change causes volcanic eruptions
- 37% think we should try to reduce carbon in the body
Nothing I might say could make it sound any better. But those people need your help…
Views: 132