McIntyre on models and obs

Prof Willem de Lange recommended Steve McIntyre’s analysis of Dr Christy’s iconic graph and Richard C (NZ) asked me to repost it, so here it is. I think it’s another example of patient, objective endeavour overcoming zealotry. Please let me know if you see it differently and let me know if you agree, but see something I missed. It’s an immense pleasure to put this before you. – RT

Gavin Schmidt and Reference Period “Trickery”

— by Steve McIntyre, Climate Audit – Apr 19, 2016


This is an adopted article.

In the past few weeks, I’ve been re-examining the long-standing dispute over the discrepancy between models and observations in the tropical troposphere. My interest was prompted in part by Gavin Schmidt’s recent attack on a graphic used by John Christy in numerous presentations (see recent discussion here by Judy Curry). Schmidt made the sort of offensive allegations that he makes far too often: Continue Reading →

Views: 107

Oh, IPCC, how dare thee?

Perhaps it was simply poor management. Although it would still be grounds to disband the whole dysfunctional team.

Mark Lynas, of all people (for he’s a confirmed believer in man-made warming), writes an excellent article on the ramifications of one Sven Teske, an IPCC lead author and also, by-the-by, a lead author for Greenpeace, using his elevated position on the UN body to get world exposure for his Greenpeace activism.

In applauding Steve McIntyre’s discovery of the latest embarrassment from the IPCC, Mark comments: “McIntyre and I have formed an unlikely double-act.” He’s got that right.

Steve concludes:

The public and policy-makers are starving for independent and authoritative analysis of precisely how much weight can be placed on renewables in the energy future. It expects more from IPCC WG3 than a karaoke version of [a] Greenpeace scenario.

I concur.

Views: 53

Steve McIntyre — climate warrior

Steve McIntyre

In my reading, over the last two years or more, of McIntyre’s blog, Climate Audit, there’s a great deal of statistical material I simply glossed over. I had to take it on trust as I have no way of verifying it myself.

However, there were two things I could verify. First, McIntyre’s dogged precision in concentrating on a topic and following it unerringly for months or even years. Second, his unfailing courtesy towards everyone he dealt with, from scientists who, seemingly capriciously, refused him the data he requested, to commenters on his blog who “piled on” rather than keeping to the topic. He speaks his mind without fear or favour but is never rude.

When I noticed that scientists at Real Climate often insulted McIntyre without necessarily addressing his arguments I took it as confirmation they could not refute them.

It is with pleasure that I pass on this enjoyable description of the person behind that admirable persistence. – Richard Treadgold

First published in Macleans, December 13, 2009.

The private emails and logs leaked last month from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia can’t tell us whether industrial activity is really heating the earth’s atmosphere and endangering civilization. But they have settled the identity of the Great Satan of climate science. Torontonian Stephen McIntyre, a gentle, persistent amateur who had no credentials in applied science before stepping into the global warming debate in 2003, is mentioned more than 100 times. Continue Reading →

Views: 49